Christian Campus House

We’re a group of people who feel that friends are important. Much of our life on campus is shaped by our friends: Friends who like you for who you are; friends to laugh with; friends to cry with; friends to lean on when the going gets tough.
Christian Campus House is a community of students who feel friendship is extremely important. We have groups of 6-10 people (which we call family groups) that meet on different days of the week to talk about student issues and to encourage each other. We also have praise, worship, Bible studies, and fellowship every Sunday and Tuesday during the school year. Just stop by the Plaster Student Union and join us!
Nearly every weekend we’ve got something going on for you and your friends to share in together. Our ministers, Dave, Chris, Jennifer and Christy, want to be your friends as well. They’re there to talk to you when you need some help; just call or come by the office.
“Christian Campus House seeks to provide a caring fellowship where college age people can find and expand their relationship with God and learn to be doers of the Word.”
Christian Campus House is located in Springfield Missouri.
“MOMap-doton-Springfield.png” by LuizVazis licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.